Highland Pediatrics
208 West Highland Rd
Highland, MI 48357
ph: 248 889 9467
fax: 248 889 0548
When planning your first visit to our practice it is important to take into account the following items;
1) Confirm that we participate with the Health Insurance Plan that you & your children carry. If in doubt check the INSURANCE page on our website by clicking here.
2) Call us and set up a date & time for the appointment. Remember that as this is your first visit, you should plan on giving yourself an extra 15 mins (per child) to arrive early to take care of the paperwork.
3) Make sure you bring all the necessary insurance information with you as we may be required to check your eligibility before your child gets seen. We will also be required to make a copy of your drivers license for our records so make sure you bring it with you.
4) Confirm our location & directions by visiting the CONTACT US page on our website by clicking here.
5) Before you come for the first visit, you can download and print up the forms that will be needed. You may then fill them up and bring them with you.
1) Insurance Information (one per family)
2) Patient History (one per patient)
3) Records Release (one per family)
Copyright 2012 Highland Pediatrics. All rights reserved.
Highland Pediatrics
208 West Highland Rd
Highland, MI 48357
ph: 248 889 9467
fax: 248 889 0548